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What is Regulated Medical Waste And Why Do I Need Help Disposing Of It?

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

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As the leading provider of regulated medical waste disposal in Newark, DE, our experts want to educate our readers on regulated medical waste and why it is essential that it is disposed of properly and professionally. Medical waste is predominantly generated by healthcare facilities, biomedical research institutions, dentists, surgery centers, and even homes. This waste is created as a result of medical procedures, operations, and accidents. 

What is Regulated Medical Waste (RMW)?

Regulated medical waste relates to healthcare waste materials which have the potential to spread infectious diseases via exposure if not professionally treated before final disposal. Infectious diseases such as Hepatitis, Ebola, and TB can be spread through the improper handling and disposal of RMW.

According to the WHO, up to 85% of the waste produced by healthcare-related activities in non-hazardous waste, meaning that it doesn’t pose a threat to human health or safety. Due to the dangers that regulated medical waste poses to health, the disposal costs are higher than regular waste collection. Therefore, it’s crucial to segregate regulated medical waste, as shown below:

What Is Biohazardous Medical Waste?

Biohazardous medical waste is a blanket term for all types of regulated medical waste that is contaminated with blood or any other infectious substances that could transmit diseases. Note that there is no material difference between the term’s biohazardous medical waste and regulated medical waste; it’s just two different terms for the same substances. Depending on which state you live in, either term may be used to describe these infectious materials.

What do you Need Professional Help with Disposing of Regulated Medical Waste?

The reason that regulated medical waste requires specialist disposal is because of the potential dangers that it poses. Both red biohazard bags and sturdy sharps containers identify biohazardous materials; therefore, there is never any confusion regarding the contents. Once all the waste is collected, the containers are transported to a proper facility and then to a final disposal facility. Transportation methods vary in accordance with the type of waste and the amount that requires disposal.

At Choice Medwaste, we treat regulated medical waste thoroughly via an autoclave or incinerator, both of which help to sterilize and destroy the pathogens and render the waste harmless. For more information, or for assistance in disposing of regulated medical waste in Philadelphia, PA, click here to visit the Choice Medwaste website today.

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